Network for Inter Faith Concerns

NIFCON is the Network for Inter Faith Concerns across the Anglican Communion. Through this Web site, we hope to keep you informed on events, courses and articles on Inter Faith matters and serve as a resource for you.

The Network for Inter Faith Concerns (NIFCON) of the Anglican Communion exists to encourage:

  • Progress towards genuinely open and loving relationships between Christians and people of other faiths.
  • Exchange of news, information, ideas and resources relating to inter faith concerns between provinces of the Anglican Communion.
  • Local contextual and wider theological reflection.
  • Witness and evangelism where appropriate.
  • Prayerful and urgent action with all involved in tension and conflict.
  • Support for people of faith, especially Christians, who live as religious minorities in situations of discrimination or danger.

NIFCON does this by:

  • Networking and meeting;
  • Communication using various media
  • Gathering information through its international presidents, management group, correspondents, and contacts support groups.